account_balance_wallet Billets

Personal & Business Finances Made Easy

From Native to Web

The current mobile app I use is built in React Native. While it's functional and serves its purpose, I'm facing some limitations:

Current Mobile App built in React Native

No server interaction

The app operates entirely offline, limiting its capabilities and scalability.

Redux-like local storage

While effective for simple state management, it lacks the robustness for more complex data handling.

Mobile-only (Android)

This restricts access to the application solely to Android users, alienating a broader audience.

Lack of automations

The app doesn't support any form of automation, making repetitive tasks cumbersome.

Future Web App will be built in Ruby on Rails


A Web App can be accessed on any device with a browser, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, regardless of the operating system.


With server-side capabilities, the app can handle more complex processes and larger amounts of data.


Using a cheap Hetzner VPS for hosting, the app becomes more affordable to maintain compared to other cloud services.

Simplicity and Efficiency

The use of Hotwire & SQLite will boost the configuration & development. Also, I plan to use Kamal for deployment.

Enhanced Features

The new app will include automation and account sharing capabilities, significantly enhancing user experience.

Follow along as I document this journey, sharing insights, challenges, failures and successes. Stay tuned for updates on this adventure!